Retail Relevancy Blog
How Can Retailers Connect, or Reconnect, with Shoppers? @SocialGeekRadio Talks Retail Relevancy
Ted Rubin and John Andrews are back on Social Geek, and they’re kicking off 2022 with a brand-new book called Retail Relevancy. How can retailers connect, or reconnect, with shoppers? Is it too late for those who are behind the curve? And, what brings brand relevance...
Technology, AI, Robots… and Me
Many believe the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology across all industries; is AI the answer to getting more done without hiring more people? AI uses deep learning to receive data and interpret it. Programmers don’t determine these interpretations...
It’s a beautiful day to read Retail Relevancy
John and Ted are doing some reading down at the dock... Checking out this new book called Retail Relevancy
We’re Moving in
We're moving into our new website, along with finishing our book outline... More to come! -RR